Vice (2018)

A study and portrait of controversial former Vice-President Dick Cheney.
Full Certification

  Animal Action

Poster for Vice
Release Date: December 25, 2018
Certification: Full Certification

Throughout the film, the main characters have pet dogs, seen performing such mild actions as sitting/standing/lying, being held or petted, and walking/running on or off leash. For all of these scenes, trainers used hand signals and verbal commands to cue the mild action, which the trained dog was accustomed to performing. The barking/growling was also a trained behavior. In the scene where we see a horse and carriage pulled up in front of a boarding school, the horses were walked to the set. The horse master held the horses and on cue walked them forward. The carriage was positioned at the start position and the cart was manually repositioned for each take.

When we see establishing shots of a water buffalos and chickens in a Vietnam sequence, wide paths were cleared for the water buffalo. The buffalo was walked to the set. Three wranglers with nets supervised action with chickens. Between takes, the water buffalo was afforded natural shade and grazing. Prior to filming, the wrangler walked the water buffalo from the trailer to the set on a halter and lead rope and stood in a shady lane in a bamboo forest on the edge of the village. Five chickens were brought to set by wranglers in a wire cage, and placed in a movable pen. On rolling, the pen was removed and the chickens milled around as background action.

In the scene where the little girl shows her father a live worm in her hand, the props department handled the worms. There was also a fishing hook with no point. Props department went over handling the worm with kids. Although the actor looked like he put a worm on a hook, he was merely pantomiming the action.

In the scene where the family rides horses on a countryside, the horses were walked to set by the horse trainers. Trainers assisted the actors on mounting the horses and provided instructions regarding handling them. On action, the horses were ridden A to B at a walk in an open field.

In the scene where the man takes a quail out of cage, throws it in the air and the bird is shot, the real birds were filmed in a cage, a fake bird was used being shot mid-air.  Three taxidermy quail were stuffed with remote-controlled squibs.