Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024)
Animal Action

In the scene where the actress talks to a couple in a tv studio with an audience and the woman holds a small dog, prior to filming the dog was carried to set by the trainer.
It was then passed to the actress already seated on the TV studio set. After shooting the scene, the wrangler took the dog from the actress and brought her into backroom.
In the scene where the woman looks up and sees a dog on a ceiling fan, the scene depicts a chihuahua on a ceiling fan being spun quite fast. However, this was achieved by putting the dog on a wide disc and turning it at a very slow pace. The footage will be superimposed onto a ceiling fan and sped up in post-production. Prior to filming, the dog had his costume collar attached by the handler and was carried to set by the handler over 50 metres of indoor studio concrete.
The set consisted of a clear Perspex disc, wide enough for the chihuahua to stand on. It was horizontal like a table top and rigged to a motor that would spin it slowly. The remote for the mechanism was controlled by a member of the crew. Mats were placed under the rig, and a camera was located underneath the disc, capturing the dog from underneath. The dog was placed on the perspex disc by the handler. The two handlers stood on either side of the perspex disc and gave the dog verbal encouragement and cues. After filming, the dog was carried back to the holding area. The goat was tied to a pole in the background. Fake chickens were used for the scene. These were made from silicon and real feathers and had detachable heads.The wind machine was on a low speed, providing very gentle breeze to move the candle flames only.
In the scene that takes place in the waiting room and we see a woman holding two cats, the cats were created by the props department and were puppets. In the scene where the woman looks at the snakes inside a jar, the snakes were created through CGI.