Bad Trip (2021)

This mix of a scripted buddy comedy road movie and a real hidden camera prank show follows the outrages misadventures of two buds stuck in a rut who embark on a cross-country road trip to NYC. The storyline sets up shocking real pranks.
Modified Certification

  Animal Action

Poster for Bad Trip
Bad Trip
Release Date: January 12, 2021
Certification: Modified Certification

In the scene where the actors make out on a conference table and doves scatter in the room, the trainers arrived on set with sixteen white pigeons. The birds were divided into two wire cages and left in the van with the heater on.When production called for the birds, the trainers brought six inside and covered them with a sheet to protect them from any drafts. The trainer was covered in a black cloth with six birds and got into the box compartment under the board table. There was a hole approximately 12 inches in diameter in the top of the table to feed the birds through. When queued, he fed the birds thru the hole, The pigeons weren’t stressed and just came out of the hole and sat on the table looking around


Due to late notification, American Humane Association did not monitor any of the action in the zoo.